The John D. Randall Memorial Foundation, Inc. is a charitable organization focused on raising funds for worthy efforts aimed toward recovery from substance abuse addiction and promoting a healthy lifestyle.

About Our Organization

As John's family, we formed this organization to honor him and continue his compassionate work for others.  John loved with his whole heart.  He was involved in several mission organizations and loved to help those who were marginalized or in need.  During his long battle with addiction, he maintained his spirit of giving and made an effort to encourage and uplift others.  Over the years, he was quick to offer his personal time, resources, and energy to fellow brothers and sisters he had worked alongside to defeat the disease.  Despite celebrating the success of sustained sobriety, John passed away on March 14, 2023.  We are dedicated to continuing to share his love and compassionate spirit through the work of this organization.

Projects & Outreach

MARTINSVILLE, IN:  This is home.  This is where John grew up.  The foundation will be working with organizations and individuals to support efforts aimed toward recovery from substance abuse addiction and promoting healthy lifestyle, leadership and citizenship activities.  Our donations may be distributed to other organizations that are aligned with our understanding of successful substance abuse recovery programs and that qualify as exempt organizations under Section 501(c)(3). 

SOUTH FLORIDA:  John was able to achieve sobriety during his time in South Florida working with James Club Recovery.  We are very supportive of the work the team is doing there and want to continue to support them and their work.  They have a foundation of their own, James Club Recovery Foundation, that does some great things to meet the needs of those in recovery.   

SPECIAL PROJECTS:  From time to time, we will have fundraising for specific projects.  As an example, John loved kids and they loved him.  The photo below is from a time he spent at an Indian Mission in Arizona.  It was one of the happiest times of his life.  While our focus is on substance abuse addiction recovery, he would want us to remember the kids with his foundation.  Any funds that are generated for a specific purpose will be restricted for that purpose.